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Snowboard/Freeski (Spring)

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The teaching takes place in Trysil, where you have a season pass, and in the railpark at the school. In March we travel to Laax, in Switzerland. To what is perhaps Europe's finest facility.

On the Snowboard/Freeski line we start with your level and you get to develop on jumps and rails, in newly groomed trails and in delicious powder. We plan for a lot of skiing and playing on boards and skis, and everyone backs each other to progress. In addition, you get personalized guidance to perform tricks on different elements.

You get a season pass in Trysil – Norway's largest ski resort. The facility is only 50 minutes from the school, and the season pass can also be used outside of teaching. Trysil has parks at all levels, and is regularly used for the Norwegian Cup and Norwegian Championships. It is also not uncommon to see some of Norway's best riders on the trail.

Railpark right outside the door

In winter, you have the school's railpark right outside the door of the boarding school. Here there is light all evening and elements of all difficulty levels – with pipes, boxes and rails. We have a simple snowmaking facility and start producing snow as soon as it's cold enough.

 LAAX in Switzerland - one of the world's best facilities

We live at 2228 meters, in the middle of the facility with the parks right outside the door. In addition, there are insane freeride opportunities when snow falls.



Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Vi avslutter sesongen i Hemsedal, hvor bakkene holder seg til mai. I likhet med Trysil er Hemsedal et av de mest anerkjente anleggene i Norge.

Laax i Sveits

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Laax i Sveits er et av Europas beste anlegg, og hoster store internasjonale konkurranser hvert år. Vi bor på 2228 meters høyde, midt i anlegget med  parkene rett utenfor døra. I tillegg er det vanvittige frikjøringsmuligheter når det faller  snø.

LAAX ligger høyt på favorittlistene til verdens beste utøvere. Det er flere parker, som dekker alle nivåer. Elementene prepareres flere ganger daglig, og legger opp til kreativ kjøring. Som back-drop for film og bilder får du endeløse rekker med spisse alpefjell.

LAAX-anlegget ligger spredt over alpelandsbyene Laax, Flims og Falera. Det er høye topper, store fjellsider og skogsområder som legger til rette for å cruise både i og utenfor løypene. Tar du heisen opp til anleggets høyeste punkt på 2551m og kjører til bunnen i Flims får du gode 20-30 minutter sammenhengende kjøring.


Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Vi reiser til Sälen i Sverige litt ut i sesongen, når parkene er godt etablerte og sannsynligheten for gode forhold øker. Parkene regnes som noen av Sveriges beste, og her får vi variasjon og en god oppkjøring til alpeturen.

At the folk high school, you can study almost anything – from arts to extreme sports, and everything in-between. The goal is what’s in Norwegian called "danning". A good translation might be "formation".

You will get the oportunity to develop, challenge yourself and your values, and form lasting relations. All without the pressure of grades or exams. 

Key terms for the school year are

  • Reflection
  • Equality
  • Tolerance
  • Respect
  • Democracy
  • Culture. 

We offer full-year courses, half-year course fall and half-year course spring, and our students average at the age of 19. The majority comes from Nor­way, but many others come from Europe and beyond.

Read more about the school at elverumfhs.no.

Courses at the school

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