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Music - band/vocals (Spring)

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Become a better musician – solo and in a band. You do live shows, sound, lights and studio recordings. Study tours to Budapest, London, tour and interrail from Zagreb to Berlin.

Rehearse, write, record, play. Repeat.

We place great emphasis on the development of your instrumental and vocal skills through a lot of interaction. We play both covers and self-made music in different band compositions or in vocal groups, and arrange concerts throughout the year.


We're going to play a lot of concerts!  At an aid event with thousands of children, at intimate house concerts with cover songs in a new costume, at high schools, on a longer tour and at nightclubs in Elverum.

Mentor days

We have days where we hire musicians who will teach you on your main instrument through group workshops and one-to-one lessons.

Solid replenishment in wide range

You have unlimited access to the school's recording studio, where you will learn about and work as a musician and technician. You will learn about mixing and mastering your recordings. You will learn about the production of music videos in both theory and practice. You will learn elementary music theory that is useful for all musicians.




Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

I mars har vi en musikkproduksjon klar, og tar den med på turné i Norge

  • Planlegging av logistikk
  • Rigg - gjennomføring av konsert - nedrigg
  • Samvær med likesinnede elever fra andre folkehøgskoler

Zagreb, Ljubljana, Bratislava, Wien, Praha, Berlin

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Europa har «alt», og med buss og tog kan man se utrolig mye på kort tid.

Vi starter felles i Zagreb, Kroatia. Du blir med å planlegge hvor turen går videre, hva vi skal oppleve og hvor lenge. Ruta går via Ljubljana (Slovenia), Bratislava (Slovakia), Wien (Østerrike) og Praha (Tsjekkia) før vi ender opp i Berlin (Tyskland)!

På lista over opplevelser står sightseeing, gallerier, konserter og lokale attraksjoner. Musikk – Band/Vokal og Foto/Opplevelser reiser sammen og spiller inn musikkvideo underveis.

At the folk high school, you can study almost anything – from arts to extreme sports, and everything in-between. The goal is what’s in Norwegian called "danning". A good translation might be "formation".

You will get the oportunity to develop, challenge yourself and your values, and form lasting relations. All without the pressure of grades or exams. 

Key terms for the school year are

  • Reflection
  • Equality
  • Tolerance
  • Respect
  • Democracy
  • Culture. 

We offer full-year courses, half-year course fall and half-year course spring, and our students average at the age of 19. The majority comes from Nor­way, but many others come from Europe and beyond.

Read more about the school at elverumfhs.no.

Courses at the school

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