- Elverum folkehøgskule
- Telephone: 922 29 855
- E-mail: post@elverumfhs.no
- Course length: All year
- Study tour for the course: Rafting in Sjoa, South West Norway, Copenhagen, The Lofoten islands, Adventures and culture in Mid-Norway
- Study tour for the school: Felles bli-kjent-tur til Jotunheimen
- Foundation: LiberalThe liberal folk high schools are built on values that are not based on one particular belief. They encourage students with different interests and beliefs to apply.
Food: Vegetarian, veganMost schools will accommodate food allergies and other dietary needs. If you have questions, please contact the school directly.
- Environmental certification: MiljøfyrtårnFairtrade
- Location: Elverum
- Start-up date: 18.08.2024
- Linjefag: 16 hours/week
- Price: from 144 200,-
- Følg linja på Instagram
- Følg linja på Youtube
Learn the Norwegian language and experience the nature, culture and adventure of Norway´s famous sights. We travel to Lofoten, Bergen, Ålesund, Trondheim, Kristiansand, Stavanger and more.
(Clip from full year course)
Our goal is for you to be able to speak and understand Norwegian according to your own standards. You will learn about Norwegian culture, history, geography and society through exhibitions and by travelling and experiencing Norway first hand. This year will be a ten months long adventure.
Norwegian adventure
- Lofotfiske (deep water fishing in Northern Norway)
- The Northern lights
- Hurtigruta
- Trips along the coastline, the fjords and in the mountains
- Canoing
- Dogsleding
- Snowboarding/Twin tip
- White-water rafting
- Cross contry skiing and sleeping in lavvo
- Snowcave
Norwegian culture
- Famous Norwegian composers, writers and painters like Edvard Grieg, Henrik Ibsen and Edvard Munch
- Exhibitions at The National Gallery, The Munch museum and more
Norwegian history and society
- Maihaugen, Lillehammer
- Norwegian history and Norwegian heroes like Fritjof Nansen, Roald Amundsen, Thor Heyerdal, Helge Ingstad and more
- Norwegian government today
- Democracy
- Norwegian industry
Norwegian language
- Oral language
- Consert reading
- Choir reading
- Games
- Practical tasks
Students in the Norwegian course will have plenty of practice when learning the language, being submerged in a «mini» Norwegian society. They will interact around the clock with other Norwegian students. There are also many activities within the school year planned and held by the students.