Til hovedinnhold

On this course we make exciting food from home and abroad! Street food from many continents. Party and everyday food, Trip to Tuscany in Italy inspired by local cuisine and visit to the winery.


A bit about how the teaching is laid out

Learn about street food from many continents, get to know different food cultures and food history
Learn about the process from raw material to finished dish 
Learn and cook foods that are good for your health, the environment and your wallet 
Learn about Norwegian and international food traditions and food trends  
Collaboration and community 
Food enjoyment and creativity 
Join a study trip to beautiful Tuscany, where we taste our way through many exciting cities and places inspired by local cuisine and culture. Visit to the winery


Remember that Karmøy Folkehøgskule is the school where you choose 2 lines. This means that if you choose the line Tasty FoodExperience - you choose one of these lines in addition: Focus Europe - BRO Africa - BRO South America - Music Performance Production - OutdoorActivity Sea - Fashion Clothes Design/Redesign - Baker & Confectionist - X-sport - Football Europe

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 6-7 dager

Meals included per day: 2

Vi drar til Toscana, regionen i Italia hvor mat og vin står sentralt. Her skal vi smake oss gjennom mange spennende byer og steder inspirert av lokalt kjøkken og kultur. 

Steder vi har besøkt tidligere er Pisa, Firenze, Lucca, Calci og Montemagno. Besøk hos lokale vingårdsprodusenter, olivengårder og kokkekurs. Restaurantbesøk og byvandringer er også en del av høydepunktene på turen.

Da vi har spennende utenlandsturer på begge linjene du som elev går på, har vi valgt å legge fellesturene til vakre og spennende omgivelser i Norden.
Foruten flere felles skoleturer setter vi også av tid til fellesarrangementer som:

  • konserter,
  • kinoforestillinger
  • seminar
  • foredrag utenfor skolens område. 

Mandatory: Yes

Price: 7 000

Foruten alle skolens linjeturer til innland- og utland ser vi for oss en felles skoletur til Preikestolen og Stavanger. Skolen ønsker også at våre elever får delta på lokale kulturelle arrangement i skolens nærmiljø, dvs på Haugalandet. Dette er feks spennende konserter, kinoforestillinger, teater mm.

Karmøy Folk High School: - the school where you choose 2 subjects!

Chose one subject from 1 and one from 2

Subjects choose 1:

  • Focus Europe including an interrail trip and visiting different island in Norway and the Mediterranean
  • X-Sport including a trip to Thailand
  • Outdoor-activity Sea (Friluftsliv Sjø in Norwegian) including a trip to Croatia with diving classes and island hopping with 2 sailboats
  • BRO Africa including a trip to Kenya
  • BRO South America including a trip to Brazil and Argentina
  • Bakery & Pastry (Baker & Konditor in Norwegian including a trip to Paris and Brussel
  • Music Performance Production including a trip to Berlin
  • Football Europe Inkluding a trip to England and Italy
  • Fashion Clothes Design/Redesign including a trip to London - Paris

Subjects choose 2:

  • Energyboost including a trip to a training camp in Lanzarote
  • Focus Asia & Japan including a trip to Tokyo and Kyoto in Japan
  • Outdoor-activity Extreme (Friluftsliv Extreme in Norwegian) including a trip to the Alps for fantastic skiing and snowboarding
  • Tasty FoodExperience including a trip to Toscana in Italy
  • Vocal & Performance including a trip to New York
  • Backpack Photo Asia including a trip to Vietnam and Cambodia
  • Explore Norway& Iceland - including a trip to Reykjavik (Iceland) and trips in the western part of Norway
  • Golf including a trip to Spain and Poland
  • Focus Europe including an interrail trip and visiting different islands in Norway and in the Mediterranean

BRO is the shortness of the Norwegian words Bistand-Reise-Oppdrag. They can direct translate to Aid, Travel and Assignment.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need some more information for the subject.

In addition to the subject, you can choose between several different electives as:

Norwegian, Soccer, Film, Photo, PR, Guitar, Knitting, Baking, Food making, Sewing, different training programs, choir, teambuilding, Volleyball, Multisport, Dans and much more.


Courses at the school

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