Delicious Treats
- Hurdal Verk folkehøgskole – Hurdal
- Telephone: 63 92 06 00
- E-mail: post@hvf.no
- Course length: Helårskurs B
- Start-up date: 16.08.2025
- Price: from 154 200,-
- Location: Hurdal
- Study tour: Italia - Roma
The way to learn how to make simple and delicious everyday meals of high quality. Topp 10 streetfood dishes. Yeast baking. Cakes. Desserts and more.
Have you noticed how much better the food is when it is made with real ingredients, rather than the ready-made food in the freezer counter? At Delicious treats (Norwegian: "Snadder") you will learn:
Dinner dishes that you can quickly make for yourself, or serve when you have friends over. For example:
Juicy yeast baking. Impress friends with:
Baking cakes:
The line travels on a study trip to the food country of Italy and "the eternal city" Rome. We will experience food culture, and experience how the Italians' passion for food, and the quality of ingredients, contribute to exquisite dishes. At the same time, we get to see that good man can be incredibly easy to make.
READ MORE ON OUR WEBSITE (Use Google translate at the bottom of our site)
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Meals included per day: 2
Vi reiser på spennende turer både i Norge og Europa
Italia - Roma
Linja reiser på studietur til matlandet Italia og "den evige stad" Roma. Vi skal oppleve matkultur, og erfare hvordan italienernes lidenskap til mat, og kvaliteten i råvarer, bidrar til utsøkte retter. Samtidig får vi se at god man kan være utrolig enkel å lage.
Gled deg til autentiske matopplevelser; Ekte italiensk Pizza, de deiligste pastaretter, Gelato, Supplì med mer. Det blir kurs i å lage pizza slik italienerne gjør det, og kurs i å lage verdens beste is; Italiensk Gelato.
Roma er en dessuten en utrolig vakker by med en spesiell tidløs armosfære, full av vakre bygninger og fontener.
Du får bli med på lavteskel turer i skogen og på fjellet hvor vi lager mat på bålet. Hva med å imponere vennene med bålgrillet Laks med honning-soyasaus, Kyllingkebab med Sataysaus, eller Eplepay på bål? Det blir turer lokalt i Hurdal, og hytteturer på fjellet hvor fokuset er på kos, hygge, opplevelser og god mat.
Vi møter inspirerende kokker med ulike ferdigheter og fokus, for å få inspirasjon og lære tips og triks:
NB! Glad i å reise? Husk at du på Hurdal Verk velger 2 linjer og dermed minst 2 ulike reisemål i løpet av året!
Our school is located only 30 minutes from Norway's main airport, Oslo Airport, and one hour from the capital Oslo. This makes it very easy to travel to us from abroad.
At Hurdal Verk Folk High School you will be close to the amazing nature and find Norwegian friends of your own age. Are you thinking about studying in Norway? A year at folk high school is a good prerequisite for success as a student.
We offer courses in Norwegian language, and foreign students will be integrated into classes with students who speak Norwegian and English. All teaching is in Norwegian, and fellow students will help with translation.
NOTE: At this school you choose 2 main courses! It allows you to tailor your school year to your interests. You select one course from the line 1 block, and one course from the line 2 block.
These topics aim to give an introduction to subjects or areas that are new to you, or of which you wish to gain a deeper understanding. We offer more than 60 elective subjects. Examples are:
Are you thinking about studying in Norway? A year at Hurdal Verk folk high school is a good prerequisite for success as a student.
READ MORE on our website HVF.NO