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HARD TRAINING: Physical and Mental Training

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Are you someone who loves the feeling of being really tired after a hard workout? Then you are one of us!

Through physical and mental training, proper planning and knowledge of nutrition, you get the tools you need to take your training to the next level. 

What is your goal?

Here you will find a encouraging community where we will inspire each other and make each other better. The physique, psyche and training habits you build up this year will be something you will benefit from for the rest of your life. 

Mental training

What do you do when motivation fails and negative thoughts creep in? Or you get injured and get set back several notches?

If you want to be successful, you must learn to cope with adversity. You will train your mental strength and learn techniques to cope with stress, adversity and negative thoughts. 

Top training facilities

At school:

Walking distance from school:

Learn more on our Website (Use Google translate at the bottom of our website)

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 11-14 dager

Meals included per day: 2

Bli med oss til FLORIDA og MIAMI BEACH. Her skal vi trene på flotte treningssentre med entusiastiske instruktører som får det beste ut av deg. Vi skal nyte sol og varme på ikoniske Miami Beach, sjekke ut nye treningstrender og se på basketball- eller boksekamp.

Vi skal spise fantastisk mat og verdens beste salty donuts. Gled deg til bilturen vår ned til Key West hvor vi tilbringer dagen på båttur med snorkling. Vi kjører også opp til Orlando og besøker Universal Studios. Kanskje tør du prøve fallskjermhopping? Vi drar videre til New York for å oppleve storbyen med bra trening og joggetur i ikoniske Central Park.


At Hurdal Verk Folk High School you will be close to the amazing nature and find Norwegian friends of your own age. Are you thinking about studying in Norway? A year at folk high school is a good prerequisite for success as a student.

We offer courses in Norwegian language, and foreign students will be integrated into classes with students who speak Norwegian and English. All teaching is in Norwegian, and fellow students will help with translation.

READ MORE on our website HVF.NO


Courses at the school

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