- Hurdal Verk folkehøgskole – Hurdal
- Telephone: 63 92 06 00
- E-mail: post@hvf.no
- Course length: Helårskurs A
- Start-up date: 16.08.2025
- Course teaching amount: 14 hours/week
- Price: from 159 200,-
- Location: Hurdal
- Study tour: Brasil
Would you like to experience Norwegian nature, training and ball games? We travel on study trips to both Europe and Brazil
NB! In this school you choose 2 Main Courses! You get a greater variety and can customize your year even more. Look at the possibilities.
We love sports and ball games! Join us for real sporting joy, team play and fellowship.
Our main sports are soccer/futsal, volleyball, basketball and handball.
In addition, you get to learn a number of other fun sports such as:
Are you ready to experience BRAZIL? On this tailor-made study trip, there will be exciting cultural encounters with local Brazilians in the favela, beach volleyball at Copacabana and a football match at the Maracana and more.
The great variety of sports makes everyday life with us motivating and developing! Here you can excel in one sport and be a beginner in another. A year at Ballsports will make you even more versatile. You also learn about sports nutrition, sports psychology and exercise theory, which will be a good basis if you wish to take sports education later.
We offer Top training facilities
At school:
Walking distance from school:
Read more about Ballsports on our website. (Use Google translate at the bottom of our website)
Mandatory: Yes
Price: Included in course price
Meals included per day: 2
Drømmer du om å oppleve sambafotballens hjemland Brasil? Ikke bare la det bli med tanken. Bli med oss til varmen i Brasil og verdens mest ikoniske strand Copacabana i Rio de Janeiro for å spille beachvolley og fotball med brasilianere.
I Rio skal vi bruke tid på strendene Copacabana, Ipanema og Leblon med beachvolley, futebol og futevolley. Vi skal på besøk i favelaen hvor du får bli kjent med lokale ungdommer. Ballen bringer oss sammen på tvers av språk og kultur. Vi spiller fotball, griller, spiser og blir kjent. Vi besøker den berømte Kristus-statuen, ser fotballkamp på mektige Maracana stadion, du kan leie SUP, surfebrett, bade, eller ligge langstrakt og nyte varmen på den nydelige Ipanema-stranda. Hva med et kulturbesøk i det danseglade Lapa-området? Rio har uendelige muligheter.
NB! Glad i å reise? Husk at du på Hurdal Verk velger 2 linjer og dermed minst 2 ulike reisemål i løpet av året!
Our school is located only 30 minutes from Norway's main airport, Oslo Airport, and one hour from the capital Oslo. This makes it very easy to travel to us from abroad.
At Hurdal Verk Folk High School you will be close to the amazing nature and find Norwegian friends of your own age. Are you thinking about studying in Norway? A year at folk high school is a good prerequisite for success as a student.
We offer courses in Norwegian language, and foreign students will be integrated into classes with students who speak Norwegian and English. All teaching is in Norwegian, and fellow students will help with translation.
NOTE: At this school you choose 2 main courses! It allows you to tailor your school year to your interests. You select one course from the line 1 block, and one course from the line 2 block.
These topics aim to give an introduction to subjects or areas that are new to you, or of which you wish to gain a deeper understanding. We offer more than 60 elective subjects. Examples are:
Are you thinking about studying in Norway? A year at Hurdal Verk folk high school is a good prerequisite for success as a student.
READ MORE on our website HVF.NO