Hello Norway -spring 26
- Toten folkehøgskole – Lena
- Telefon: 61 14 27 00
- E-post: live.hokstad@innlandetfylke.no
- Kurslengde: Halvår — vår
- Oppstartsdato: 05.01.2026
- Linjefag: 25 timer/uke
- Pris: fra 82 000,-
- Sted: Lena
We welcome international students to Toten Folk High School. You will be attending one of our regular classes of your choice and learn Norwegian by being surrounded by Norwegian students and the Norwegian language. We do offer some additional help learning the language, but for the most part you will be studying and living together with your fellow Norwegian students. This might feel difficult in the beginning, but we have had several foreign students who have picked up the language impressively fast.
The school has seven different courses, and many electives. Most of the courses have study trips abroad, but as a foreign student you can choose to stay in Norway, and learn more about Norwegian culture. This is a great opportunity to focus on one of your interests while learning about Norway and Norwegian culture.
You can apply to any of our courses, and have an amazing year with your new Norwegian (and possibly other international) friends. All students live on campus where all the facilities you need in your daily life are offered. With so many young students living together there are always a wide range of activities you can participate in and there is always someone to talk with.
Apply for any of the courses:
Afrika Psykologi Pedagogikk Ledelse -vår 25
This course is for students who want to learn Norwegian and get an introduction to Norwegian culture.
We expect you to try your best to learn the language and actively participate in school activities both during class hours and leisure time.
Kristian har bachelorgrad i samfunnsfag og historie, årstudium i norsk, PPU og UEFA B lisens som fotballtrener. Når han ikke trener Raufoss Esport, bruker han tiden sin på å spille, se eller lese fantasy.
Epost: kristian.aspelien@innlandetfylke.no
Telefon: 99571852
Velkommen til skolen hvor du velger to linjer, ei hovedlinje A og ei temalinje B. Her kan du lære mer om det du allerede er interessert i, eller finne inspirasjon til å fordype deg i noe helt nytt. En akkurat passe stor frilynt skole med et utviklende og spennende felleskap.
The school was completely renovated in 2017.
We are known for having a great kitchen with a friendly cooking staff dishing up tasty and healthy meals. We also cater for allergies.
All of our teaching staff are qualified teachers according to Norwegian law.
Special needs
If you have any functional impairments, we want to know what we can do to help making your stay here the best possible.