Til hovedinnhold

The program with altitude. Sogndal is an Eldorado for climbing and for climbers. Field trip to the Alps and the Mediterranean.

Local crags are 10 minutes away, with over 500 climbing routes. Alpine summits (and skiing facilities) are only a 10 minute drive away. 

During the fall semester, we start with the basics of climbing. You will learn the thorough skills demanded for climbing: from belaying, top-roping to classic lead climbing. We will climb multi-pitch routes. You will learn to boulder, and develop your climbing technique, as well as learning how to rescue someone in the event of an accident. 
If the weather is moody, we have a large indoor climbing wall and bouldering walls to practice on, and you can use these facilities as much as you wish in your spare time. 

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: ca 12 dager

Meals included per day: 3

During the fall, we head for one of the well known climbing destinations in Southern Europe close to the Mediterranean. In recent years we have travelled to amongst other destinations Arco in Italy and Opierre in France. Here you can find plenty of challenges on the sun-warmed cliffs in beautiful areas, and also experience a foreign culture as your strengthen bonds with your classmates.

Fjærland, fjord, fjell og bre

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 3 dager

Meals included per day: 4

A week or two after the school commences, we go to Fjærland together on a three-day trip. This enables us to get to know one another better, and to experience one of Norways most outstanding mountain & fjord areas. We take day hikes from base camp, and take part in activities to loosen up and become acquinted. In the evening we have dinner and gather together around the camp fire - where we chat, sing, or just relax after a day of fresh air and experiences.  After 3 days, and plenty of social activities we have built foundations we need to build friendships.  

Welcome to Sogndal folkehøgskule. We can offer a year of personal development by focusing on subjects of special interest. Our main subjects are within these areas:

Skiing & Climbing
Outdoor life
Outdoor life - Norway
Outdoor life & back country skiing
Photo Outdoor life
Skiing, trail biking & surf

Every year we have a limited number of foreign students. Our teaching program is practically oriented, we do not have a bespoke language learning program for foreign students. However, there are students from abroad almost every year; primarily from the US, the UK, and other European countries.
This means that for the individual student, most of the language learning takes place interacting with the Norwegian students and the teachers. If you actively work on learning Norwegian from the beginning, the challenges of language barriers will not stop you from full participation in the school program.


Courses at the school

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