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Want to try challenging new sports? Or become better at your favourite? Try a year with many exciting activities outdoors and indoors! Great local sports facilities in the football village of Sogndal.

Sogndal is a fantastic place for those who enjoy versatile and challenging sports in one of Norway's most picturesque villages.

At the school we have our own gymnasium, weights room, artificial grass soccer pitch and a beach volleyball court.

It is a short distance to the city center and Fosshaugane Campus, which is one of the largest professional sports environments in Norway - gathered under one roof. Here there is an indoor football field, climbing wall, fitness center and next door is a handball hall and swimming pool.

As a sports student, you are a member of the sports centre, which gives you unique training opportunities both in school and leisure time.

The school has contacts with local football and handball clubs for students who are able to continue with their sport at the same time as taking a year at Sogndal fhs.

Would you like a year experiencing new and challenging activities, being active, enjoying versatile learning, healthy competition, development and friendship? If so, this is the program for you.

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 8 dage

Meals included per day: 3

Studieturen te Danmark om hausten e ein roadtrip te København. Der få me oppleve padeltennis, fotball, handball og kajakk i kanalane, og sjølvsagt den livlege bypulsen. Turen inkluderer òg fleirdagarsbesøk på ein dansk folkehøgskule der me deltek i skoleaktivitetane. Siste stopp på roadtrippen e Cold Hawaii, ein populær surfedestinasjon. Etter nokre dagar i bølgjene køyrer me tebake te vakre Sogndal.

Fjærland, fjord, fjell og bre

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 3 dager

Meals included per day: 4

A week or two after the school commences, we go to Fjærland together on a three-day trip. This enables us to get to know one another better, and to experience one of Norways most outstanding mountain & fjord areas. We take day hikes from base camp, and take part in activities to loosen up and become acquinted. In the evening we have dinner and gather together around the camp fire - where we chat, sing, or just relax after a day of fresh air and experiences.  After 3 days, and plenty of social activities we have built foundations we need to build friendships.  

Welcome to Sogndal folkehøgskule. We can offer a year of personal development by focusing on subjects of special interest. Our main subjects are within these areas:

Skiing & Climbing
Outdoor life
Outdoor life - Norway
Outdoor life & back country skiing
Photo Outdoor life
Skiing, trail biking & surf

Every year we have a limited number of foreign students. Our teaching program is practically oriented, we do not have a bespoke language learning program for foreign students. However, there are students from abroad almost every year; primarily from the US, the UK, and other European countries.
This means that for the individual student, most of the language learning takes place interacting with the Norwegian students and the teachers. If you actively work on learning Norwegian from the beginning, the challenges of language barriers will not stop you from full participation in the school program.


Courses at the school

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