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Do you like travelling, sports and activities? Then this is the course for you! Join our "Amazing Race Norway", study trip to Ecuador and Spain with educational experiences and memories for life.

Sports and activitys

Explore is an active course with a lot of sports, outdoor life and activity during a typical week. You can try climbing, river paddling, surfing, tennis, bubble football, night frisbee, several different ball games, skiing, snowboarding, fitness and strength training and much more. It is therefore important that you enjoy sports and exercise, and are willing to face new challenges.

Amazing Race Norway

What do you do if you are standing in the middle of Oslo with no money and need to get north, south, east or west in the shortest possible time?

At Explore, we create our own "Amazing Race", where you and your classmates will solve tasks and get new challenges at various pit stops. You must make your way on your own, and compete against classmates to reach the goal first.


When the freezing temperatures approach, we go to southern Spain to experience Spanish culture, try different activities and practice "travel Spanish".


In beautiful Ecuador, you will experience cultural meetings, hiking in the rainforest, mountain tours, extreme sports and lying on the most beautiful beaches. This study tour is tailor-made for this course and is guaranteed to create moments and memories for a lifetime!

Read more about EXPLORE on our website!

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 12-14 dager

Meals included per day: 2

Drømmer du om å oppleve SØR-AMERIKA?
På våren flytter vi klasserommet til Ecuador.

I løpet av 2 uker skal vi utforske Ecuador fra nord til sør. Vi starter med opplevelser i den spennende fjellbyen Quito, videre inn i regnskog i Mindo. Eksotisk vegetasjon, spennende dyr og nydelige fossefall er noen stikkord.

Vi kaller oss for "Explorere", og som ordet tilsier forflytter vi oss relativt ofte slik at vi får oppleve mer.

Vi reiser videre sørover i landet, besøker Amazonas og opplever jungel på nært hold. Reisen går videre til ekstremsportens mekka Banos, hvor du får muligheten til å sprenge noen grenser med luftige svev - hvis du tør! Fra Riobamba drar vi til Chimborazo og beveger oss over 5000 moh. Vi avslutter turen ved stillehavskysten og Guayaquil hvor vi lander turen med sol, varme og hvite strender.

Ecuador er et eksotisk og utrolig vakkert land i Sør-Amerika, og byr på et stort spekter av opplevelser, alt fra storby til jungel, regnskog, høye fjellkjeder, varmt klima, vennlig befolkning og deilig mat. Vi skal få en smakebit av alt Ecuador har å by på.

At Hurdal Verk Folk High School you will be close to the amazing nature and find Norwegian friends of your own age. Are you thinking about studying in Norway? A year at folk high school is a good prerequisite for success as a student.

We offer courses in Norwegian language, and foreign students will be integrated into classes with students who speak Norwegian and English. All teaching is in Norwegian, and fellow students will help with translation.

READ MORE on our website HVF.NO


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