- Agder Folkehøgskole
- Telefon: 38168200
- E-post: kontor@agder.fhs.no
- Kurslengde: Helårskurs
- Studietur for linja: Agder school cabin, hyttetur & skiing, Amazing Race - Norway, Norway, Finland & Sweden backpacking, Oslo , Ryvingen island
- Studietur for skolen: Fellesturer
- Verdigrunnlag: FrilyntDe frilynte folkehøgskolene har verdigrunnlag som ikke tar utgangspunkt i ett bestemt livssyn. De vil gjerne ha elever med ulike interesser og livssyn.
Tilbyr: Vegetar, veganDe fleste skoler tilrettelegger for matallergier og andre behov. Ta gjerne kontakt med skolen.
- Sted: Søgne i Kristiansand
- Linjefag: 19 timer/uke
- Pris: fra 127 000,-
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Come to Norwegian language and culture at Agder folkehøgskole! Situated directly at the sunny coast in southern Norway, we have been teaching Norwegian to internationals since beginning of the 80`s
At Agder you have the opportunity to gain fluency in the Norwegian language, get integrated in the Norwegian society and make lifelong friends while exploring the Norwegian culture.
This Norwegian course is suitable for beginners and for students with little previous knowledge of the language. The first semester we focus on basic grammar and use of everyday language in both oral and written production. In the second semester the students build upon their vocabulary and grammatical skills to further expand their knowledge of the language. We use a wide range of teaching methods, including suggestopedia, to ensure that the students will be competent language users by the end of the schoolyear. You can also choose as many additional subjects you like, at no extra costs.
Norwegian Language & Culture has a environmental profile with a focus on sustainable, slow travelling. For our class the journey is the travel itself, connecting with classmates, yourself and strangers is a good way to get to know the language. The course includes several excursions to historical, cultural and natural sites each semester, throughout the year we cover the North, South, East & West of Norway. All trips are included in the price.
Living at a boarding school where the majority of the students are Norwegian, you have an unparalleled opportunity to practice your newly aquired language skills and to immerse yourself into the Norwegian lifestyle.