Til hovedinnhold

A combination of different sports and outdoor activities.

Wide variety of sports and activities. Also different wild life experiences for all seasons. You will see the adventurous Norway by skiing, canooing, kayakking, climbing and more. You do not need high skills. Excursion to Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. 

During the schoolyear you are going to do many different sports. Soccer/ football, volleyball, tennis, athletics, bandy and basket to mention some of them. You have access to the fitness center at the school and you will get your own training program from your teacher. Our goal is to have a wide variety in training by doing many different sports and physical training at the fitness center.

The western part of Norway is surrounded by mountains, fjords and world wide famous nature. This will be our playground through the year. We will be doing riverkayak and rafting, climbing the Via Ferrata route in Loen and other hiking trips in the mountains in our area. 

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 14

Meals included per day: 3

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Siste: Sri Lanka blei nettopp kåra til verdas beste reisemål for 2019 av Lonely Planet! Så flott at vi skal dit. Som om ikkje det er nok, så blei landet kåra til beste reisemål også i 2013!

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Vi skal mellom anna besøke den berømte Sigiriya-klippa, som står på Unesco si verdsarvliste. Vi skal besøke ein nasjonalpark der vi kan sjå ville elefantar, aper og mange fleire dyr. Vi skal sjølvsagt også nytte oss av dei endelause sandstrendene som omkransar nesten heile øya. Strandidrettar, surfing og andre aktivitetar er lett tilgjengelege. Det blir ein kombinasjon av å reise på rundtur og oppleve landet, vere saman med srilankiske ungdommar, oppleve nokre av dei finaste strendene i verda for å lære vannsport, og avslutte turen med eit par dagar og samle krefter til heimturen.

The school is a Christian boarding school where friendship, mutual respect and understanding are important parts of our educational program. The school is open for students from all beliefs and religions.

The school is connected to a Norwegian lutheran missionary organisation (Normisjon) and our educational program is based on Christian principles.

The school situated 2 km from Førde, a town of about 12 000 inhabitants.

The dormitory includes 18 single rooms and 36 double rooms for a total of 110 students. We have seven dorm units, each with its own livingroom and a small kitchen. The dormes have mixed genders but there is always one gender in each room. Some of the rooms have a private bathroom at increased cost, some rooms have shared bathrooms with separat lockers.

The school is open to everyone whether your background is secondary school, grammar school, high school or experience from work. Most students are 19 years old and age limit is 18 years. Exceptionally we can take younger students.

Main Courses are found below:

In addition we have some common subjects and elective subjects that subject to change every year.

Courses at the school

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