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Learn a truely traditional craft. Here you will learn to fell a tree, mill it into boards, then shape those boards into a boat using the techniques taught by one generation to another.

Come and build a clinker-built boat with us, a thousand year old tradition. Would you like to help us carry on this tradition?

It takes time to learn a new craft from scratch. You won't learn everything after just one year, but you will lay a foundation that you can build on in the future.You will get to participate in the whole process, from felling trees in the woods to sailing in a freshly built boat! Most years you can also learn to sew a sail, forge metal rigging, and make rope as elective courses.

We'll be starting by going out into the woods and choosing the right stock for all the parts of the boat. Should our spruce grow on the northern or the southern side? Should it grow on sand or marsh, with hanging branches or "nail" branches? Should the bark be smooth or mottled? You'll be learning about all these things while we're camping in the woods, drinking coffee around the fire, and telling stories about the worst places we've gotten ticks. We'll fell the trees, then drag them home to be milled into boards.

Then we start building the boats! The keel, stem, and stern get put in position, then we'll bend the first boards in place. We'll be fitting the ribs, flooring, oarlocks, oars, and the rudder. In the process you will be learning to use tools, shape curves, and work with wood. You'll recieve training in the use of machines, axes, planes, and other handtools.

Classes are held in Norwegian. International students are welcome to apply, but are expected to learn Norwegian.

To ganger i året drar hele skolen på felles tur. Hver høst og vår seiler vi ut til øya der vi har sauene våre. Fellesturene er vanligvis 5 dager.


Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Meals included per day: 3

På høsten, i september/oktober seiler vi avsted til Utsetøya, øst for Hitra, i selvbygde åpne trebåter. Her er det nordlys og stjernklart, og morild i sjøen til nattbading. Øya har store fine gressletter til lek og moro, om kvelden bål og sang. Det er ørn i lufta og masse spennede fisk i havet.

Alle på skolen er med. Vi samler villsauene våre, undersøker de og frakter noen hjem til slakting. 

På turen lærer du å seile råseilbåt, å kle deg godt, om villsau, kystlandskap og livet i fjæra,. Vi fisker, spiser blåskjell og krabber.

Turen varer i 5 dager.


Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Meals included per day: 3

Sammen drar vi på fjellet for å stå på ski. Vi leier ei hytte i nærområdet. 

Er du en erfaren skigåer eller har ikke hatt ski på beina siden du var 6 år, her er det utfordringer til alle. Vi lærer å bygge og bo i snøen, hvordan finne frem med kart og kompass, hvorfor gikk det et snøskred her. Vi går på skiturer, isfisker, bygger iglo og snøhule, lærer om dyrespor, skileik og kortspill! Opplevelsene og mulighetene er uendelige!

Turen varer i 5 dager.


Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Meals included per day: 3

Om våren drar vi igjen til Utsetøya ved Hitra for å samle villsauene våre. Nå er det kommet mange små lam. Det er varmt i lufta og grønt på trærne. Villsauen er en spesiell rase, blant annet klipper vi ikke ulla, men napper den. Så det gjør vi nå, samt at vi merker de nye lammene. Ulla tar vi med hjem, slik at du kan lage noe av den.

Så er det tid til å bade i lange lyse sommernetter, sove under open himmel, seile mer, fiske og leke. Kanskje kommer spekkhoggeren opp langs med båten på hjemturen.

Dette er avslutningsturen vi har på skolen, så alle er med.

Turen varer i 5 dager.

Fosen Folk School is internationally recoginized as a Craft school. Here you will learn to make things from scratch, usually with material found in nature and old techniques. The boat building class will fell the very trees they'll use to build thier boats. And those on the Handwork line will spin and knit with yarn from the school's sheep, and can color that yarn with moss and heather.

We like to call ourselves a self-reliancy school. In a time when so much of that around us is made by someone else we want to teach you to be independant and self-reliant, without giving in to consumerism. We believe that everyone who can should grown more of their own food, fish more, and consume and throw away less. Reduce, reuse, recycle, repair.

Self-reliance runs through both our courses, and our electives. In Mini-house building you will learn to build an enviormentally friendly, energy efficient house. In Farming you will learn to grow your own food, and raise animals, on a small scale. In Self-reliance you will learn to repair clothes and equipment, grow your own food, and make all sorts of different things. In this way you can consume less, while living in either the town or the country.

Our school has it's own organic farm with animals and vegetables. A majority of the meat and vegetables we eat comes from our farm, giving us a unique relationship to the food we eat and the ingredients we use. We try to serve organic and locally produced food as much as possible.

Courses at the school

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