Til hovedinnhold

Ready for the next level? Do what others only talk and dream about! Live and breath a vast polar wilderness stetching for miles in all directions. Live the old school trapper life style.



Kystliv i Kongsfjorden

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Turlivet starter i august med sommerlige omgivelser i Kongsfjorden i Øst-Finnmark. Her skal vi i flere uker «leve av landet» med seljakt, laksefiske, havfiske, og ikke minst - dykking etter havets delikatesse, kongekrabbe. Gjennom tradisjonelt kystliv kjenner vi på rikdommen havet gir.

Padletur på Nordkalotten

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

I 4-6 uker skal vi padle gjennom urørt natur i Anarjokka, videre gjennom de finske ødemarkene og over til taigaskogen i Pasvik. Villmarkens sønn, Jens Kvernmo, blir med oss på tur.

Mørketidstur på vidda

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

I en øde fjelldal lever vi fangstmannslivet med med garnfiske under isen og snarefangst på ryper. Turen avsluttes med villmarksfest i campen der menyen er egenskaffet mat og nordlyset står for sceneshowet!

Alta school is perfectly located for all outdoor activities, under pine forests at the foot of mount Skoddevarre, and walking distance of the Alta river. There are lakes, climbing areas, and ski terrain. Click into skis right out the dorm door. Alta river runs north from Sautso, northern Europe's biggest river canyon. There are lush valleys, long fjords, steep peaks, and glaciers between the southern Finnmark tundra and northern Finnmark alps.

Good food and fellowship! Nothing like coming home to great food prepared by passionate cooks after outdoor activities! The dorms with shared kitchen and living spaces. This fellowship is like glue center of social interaction and lifelong friendship.

  • Main course is about 85 days, 2 to 7 days per week, mostly outdoors.
  • Electives are divided over 4 periods. You choose electives on arrival in august. With electives, you can try new activities or go deeper into things that interest you most..
  • Group activities and excursions: Get to know Alta school/area. First aid course, solidarity project, skiing, Sami seminar, Easter activities and other school excursions complete the school year.

Our values:

You'll get a lot of outdoor time, test your limits, and learn to love nature. Around the fire, we're all equal, and can exchange ideas and beliefs with respect for each other. We are a christian school with an open and including fellowship with room for everyone regardless beliefs.

Courses at the school

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