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If you play LoL - this is the school for you! This course gives you the opportunity to grow - both individually and as a team player.  We travel to DreamHack and LEC, arrange LAN and compete together

Buskerud Folkehøgskole was the first Folk high school to start a course dedicated to E-sports. Our teacher, Sebastian «Boffen» Gesell, has been one of the top players in Norway for many years.

You can expect to meet both teachers, and guest teachers, who is active players on a top level.

What to expect:
Build and compete with E-sport teams
Participate in competitions, tournaments and LAN
Develop as a team player through strategy and communication
Develop individual skills
Focus on physical health
Applications and contracts
Increase visibility towards organisations and teams
Hosting LANs

Our school offers:
Excellent fiber network
A spacious gaming environment
Svive gaming chairs

If any questions contact us at esport@buskerud.fhs.no

Spillkultur og LEC i Berlin

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Vi reiser på en ukes tur til Berlin. Der ser vi LEC, besøker inspirerende steder, spiser god mat, spiller laser tag, og opplever hva storbyen har å by på! 

Dreamhack Winter

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Creative Gaming og E-sport reiser hvert år til DreamHack Winter! Det er verdens største datafestival og et gigantisk LAN! Her får vi innblikk i alt som rører seg i spillkulturen. Vi kan møte kjente streamere, delta på foredrag, teste ut ikke-utgitte spill og mye mer!

E-sport deltar selvfølgelig i turneringer, og får muligheten til å konkurrere mot noen av verdens beste utøvere i League of Legends! 

På høsten arrangerer vi en tradisjonsrik fjelltur til en hytte i Jønndalen i Nore og Uvdal.  

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 2 døgn

Meals included per day: 4

The school goes to a big cabin called Jønndalen Høyfjellsseter for 2 days. This has been a tradition for the school since 1974, and its allways a huge success! 

The education has a character of workshop. To be accepted as a student, you must be able to speak English very well. Note that all teaching takes place in Norwegian.

We offer the following major subjects:

Rock & Metal

Spaceship (film, photo, sound, vfx)

Creative Writing

Comics & Illustration

Creative Gaming

E-sport: League of Legends

Cosplay Unleashed 

Courses at the school

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