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Do you have an entrepreneur in you? Do you want to start a business or become a business leader? Do you dream of creating something new and exciting? If so, you are welcome to us!

Entrepreneur active is the program that gives you training in start-up processes and innovation. Here you get exciting experiences that working life later will ask you for. In the entrepreneur program, you get the opportunity to explore and train your abilities and skills in starting up and running businesses.

We explore the process of finding new solutions together.
Here you get to:

-Try the innovation process from idea to product
-Learn the start-up method used in Young Entrepreneurship
-Try out the process where we both play, try and fail.
-Practical tasks such as building your own craft. From model to reality
-Innovation tasks at school where we use renewable energy sources.
-Get to know the methods of social entrepreneurship

This program offers cooperation with the University of Agder, Young Entrepreneurship and Hauge School of Management.
At Entrepreneur active, we travel to some of the world's best entrepreneurial environments in the US and Europe. The journey to USA begins in Washington DC, and continues to Raleigh - the new center for tech and start-up companies. We are also planning an exciting trip to Florida.
In spring's study trip, we travel to Paris "Station F", which is the place in the world with the most start-up companies under the same roof. There will also be opportunities to climb in Paris' Fountainebleau, with one of the world's best natural bouldering sites. 
We offer valuable learning for both mind and body, new culture and food as well as exciting new ideas.


Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: ca 14 dager

Meals included per day: 2

Linjeturene byr på unike besøk til verdens størst oppstartsinkubator i Paris, tett på mange av verdens fremtidige bedrifter i oppstartsfasen. Vi tar også turen over dammen til USAs østkyst. Bli med på en inspirasjon for livet og oppdag hva som kommer av nye bedrifter de neste 5 årene!

Dette får du oppleve

På Gründer aktiv reiser vi til noen av verdens beste gründermiljøer i USA og Europa.

På høsten begynner reisen til USA i Washington DC, og går deretter videre til Raleigh - som er østkystens senter innen techmiljø og oppstartsbedrifter.
Vi planlegger også en spennende og innholdsrik tur til Florida.

På våren venter et ekte møte med vakre Paris, gründerfolkene, kulturen og et stort mangfold av nye bedrifter i oppstartsfasen, samtidig som du bygger nye vennskap med folka på linja.

  • Nærhet til oppstartsprosessene og se hvordan proffene jobber i bedriftens ulike faser.

  • Besøke den legendariske Station F som huser 1000 nye oppstartsbedrifter hvor de store firmaene i verden er representert.  

  • Opplev Fountainebleau, et av verdens beste utendørs naturlige buldreparadiser, hvor man kan klatre på tusenvis av sandsteiner.

  • Mulighet til å lære av proffene

  • Oppleve en av verdens vakreste byer fra innsiden og utsiden. Bli med på en lærerik tur hvor du får oppleve entreprenørskap i praksis.

To ganger i løpet av året drar vi på tur sammen, hele skolen. Disse turene er inkludert i prisen

Den store fellesturen vår går til Italia og den andre er en flott tur ut i havgapet til et skjærgårdsparadis som heter Havglimt, på en øy utenfor Kristiansand.

Du kan lese mer om fellsturene våre her

I tillegg til disse flotte fellesturene får du også 2-3 uker i løpet av skoleåret mulighet for å velge mellom mange ulike turopplegg i våre valgfaguker


Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 1 uke

Meals included per day: 2


Focus on having fun together on a trip with the whole school and great opportunities to do lots of fun activities.



Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 3 dager

Island trip in Kristiansand

We take the whole school on a trip to the skerries outside Kristiansand, preferably when the sun is shining and we have summer weather in Kristiansand. Together we make good food and try out different activities that can be done in connection with the sea, beach and skerries. Those who want it, bring a hammock and maybe get the chance to catch the sunrise.

Examples of activities we do are:

  • Sailing
  • Sand volleyball
  • Roundnet
  • Kayaking
  • Snorkeling / diving
  • Boat trips
  • Collection of seafood delicacies
  • Short-distance food on a campfire
  • Island hiking
  • Bouldering
  • Campfires with guitars, song and music
  • Fun competitions
  • Chats until late at night

Weeks of elective trips

Mandatory: Yes

Price: Included in course price

Duration: 3 ulike uker

2-3 weeks during the school year we offer different elective trips.

This gives you a fantastic opportunity to also get to know students from other programs.

Elective tours we offer:

  • Surf trip to Jæren
  • Mountain hikes (Preikestolen, Kjeragbolten and Brufjellhålene)
  • Mountain randone
  • Alpine trip to Hemsedal
  • Cabin trips both autumn and winter at Hovden in Setesdal
  • Cross country skiing from cabin to cabin
  • Cruise with our sailing ship Fryden
  • Cycling and hiking on the Hardangervidda
  • Cool trip with cultural experiences to Oslo
  • Home program in Kristiansand with day trips and many different nice programs in the local area
  • Hunting
  • Diving

Some elective trips require an extra fee, but most are included in the tuition fees.

Do you want to explore Norway?

Welcome to Norway and a year where you learn about and explore our beautiful country, our culture and our language.
You will get the chance to visit many famous places and experience Norwegian nature, culture, climate and society. 
We also promise that you will learn a lot about yourself and that you will get friends from all over Norway. 

Kristiansand is a popular town for students with many good facilities for training, activities and outdoor life.
The city offers music, theater and concerts. There is a variety of churches and denominations, several educational institutions like the University of Agder, Media Academy Gimlekollen and Ansgar Theological College.
All the courses at the school will benefit from the many things Kristiansand has to offer.

The school is for 18 years old and up.
You may apply for the next schoolyear from October 1st, and your application will be processed consecutively.
The first part of processing starts February 1st, which may mean that no one will get confirmed before that.

We need information when there are conditions requiring special arrangements.
Please contact the school if you are unsure.


Courses at the school

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