Setesdal Folkehøgskule
- Setesdalsvegen 3413, Rysstad
- Telephone: 41863090 (kontor) eller 41863093 (rektor)
- E-mail: post@setesdal.fhs.no
- Number of students: 87
- Undervisningstimer pr. uke: 30
- Start-up date: 17.08.2024
- Location: Rysstad
Explore your passion at the Setesdal folkehøgskule!
Join our community and create memories that last a lifetime. Surrounded by magnificent nature you can study a topic of your interest. We offer courses in Norwegian, Paragliding, Climbing, Small-scale Agriculture, Tourism Europe and Outdoor Recreation.
Choose one of the following courses and embark on an unforgettable journey:
Tourism Europa (Reiseliv Europa)
Outdoor Recreation (Friluftsliv for alle)
Our Folkehøgskule is surrounded by magnificent nature that offers endless possibilities for outdoor enthusiasts, from hiking to skiing and fishing to kayaking.
At the school we have our own sports hall and there is a gym, spinning room, soccerfield, basketball/volleyball/badminton/floorball field, swimming hall with sauna as well as a track field and a tenniscourt in the vicinity.