Norwegian Language and Culture HØST 2025
- Stavanger Urban Folkehøyskole StUF – Stavanger
- Telefon: 930 86 277
- E-post: post@stufskole.no
- Kurslengde: Halvår — høst
- Oppstartsdato: 24.08.2025
- Pris: fra 65 000,-
- Sted: Stavanger
This course is suitable for beginners and also for students who have some experience of the language. You will be learning the Norwegian language from an experienced teacher. Since all students live at school, it is also an ideal arena to learn a new culture and language as well as make new friends and acquire new interests.Our teacher uses methods such as role play, games that focus on speaking skills to help you practice the language and quickly interact with other students.
Stavanger Urban Folkehøyskole is located in the the city on the west coast of Norway.Stavanger is the fourth largest city in Norway.
You will also be experiencing and learning from exciting projects that we cooperate within the city. As well, as experiencing iconic landscapes such as "Prekestolen". You will also be travelling to Oslo and be guided by a politician in "Stortinget"- the Norwegian Parlament who will share his knowledge of the Norwegian democracy, culture and society.
In addition, our school offers a range of electives such as surfing in the breathtaking beaches of "Jæren", indoor climbing, or various visual arts such as lino printing, sculpting or food culture such as fermenting, theatre classes and many more. These give you the opportunity to explore other interests and at the same time get better acquainted with other Norwegian students with similar interests.
This is a Norwegian language course for beginners and for those who already have some knowledge of the language.
The StUF that dreams are made of!! Ønsker du å bli elev på en urban og mangfoldig folkehøyskole? Vi er folkehøyskolen med hjerte for byen, og ditt miljøvennlige hjem! Her er du velkommen inn i vårt inspirerende læringsmiljø, til et spennende eventyr og til alt en by har å by på.
Ta kontakt med oss i god tid om du har behov for tilpasninger, eller lurer på om vi kan kan tilrettelegge for deg.
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